名古屋大学情報環境部 FAQ集

FAQ集トップページ -> CASの多要素認証について(About multi-factor authentication of CAS) -> About multi-factor authentication of CAS

When I open WinAuth, I am prompted for a password
When I open WinAuth, I am prompted for a password and cannot see the authentication code (6 digit number).

The WinAuth password is set by you, so please enter the one you have set.

If you are still unsure, you can initialize your password by following the steps below. However, WinAuth's multi-factor authentication settings will also be initialized

・How to initialize WinAuth
Delete the following files. However, all WinAuth settings, including multi-factor authentication settings, will be lost.
C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Roaming\WinAuth\winauth.xml

If you do not see the AppData folder, please set it to show hidden files
Or, type "%AppData%" in the address bar of the file explorer

