名古屋大学情報環境部 FAQ集


FAQ集トップページ -> CASの多要素認証について(About multi-factor authentication of CAS) -> About multi-factor authentication of CAS

About multi-factor authentication of CAS
17件: 1-17件
# タイトル 最終更新日
1 "認証失敗(Authentication failed)" error with Nagoya University ID and password 2022/05/10
2 "Credentials are rejected/invalid and authentication attempt has failed." Error is displayed 2023/10/18
3 typing in a 6-digit number but it is not authenticated 2022/05/10
4 A screen appears requesting multi-factor authentication settings. 2022/10/07
5 Authentication code (6-digit number) is not entered in time. 2022/05/11
6 Set up CAS multi-factor authentication for multiple terminals 2022/10/07
7 I can't find the QR code page to set up multi-factor authentication for CAS. 2023/04/07
8 QR code is not readable. 2022/05/11
9 I want to set up multi-factor authentication for CAS outside of my phone's authentication app. 2022/10/07
10 I'm told that my Mac computer is not StepTwo compatible. 2022/05/11
11 I'm not sure if I've set up multi-factor authentication for CAS, so I'd like to check. 2022/05/11
12 I've erased the authentication application and settings. 2023/04/07
13 Switch authentication apps when replacing or losing a smartphone 2023/04/07
14 When I open WinAuth, I am prompted for a password 2022/05/11
15 Lost hardware token 2022/10/07
16 If I forget I have the device I set up, will I not be able to log in? 2022/10/07
17 Authentication code (6-digit number) is no longer displayed 2023/03/13
